Online School FAQs

What grades are offered by Arizona Virtual Academy (AZVA)?

AZVA offers full-time enrollment for grades K–12. 

What subjects will my child study?

What does it cost to attend the AZVA?

Does AZVA provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

Can my child work at their own pace?

How much time do students spend on the computer?

Do you provide curriculum for special needs children?

Depending on a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), we can tailor learning to meet your student’s needs. To discuss your child’s needs, please contact our office and we’ll put you in touch with our special education team.

Can you accommodate the accelerated learning needs of my gifted/talented child?

How do students interact socially?

Will my child have the same graduation opportunities as students in traditional public schools?

Yes. AZVA students are public school students, and they earn a high school diploma identical to any other diploma awarded by public schools in the state of Arizona. Our graduates have the same rights and privileges extended to them as any other Arizona graduates when applying for opportunities at our state and nation’s colleges and universities.

AZVA high school students are required to meet the same graduation expectations as all enrolled students in the state of Arizona. Graduation requirements include earning at least 22 credits in specific subject areas during a student’s years in high school. Our school academic counselors work with students annually to review credits earned and still needed so families remain informed about credit requirements toward earning a high school diploma. 

Can students do extracurricular activities in their resident district?

What is AZVA’s policy on bullying?

How does AZVA’s Title I program help my student academically?

How can I view AZVA’s annual financial report?

How long does AZVA keep student records?