Online Test & Assessment FAQs
How will my student’s grades be determined?
Arizona Virtual Academy’s (AZVA’s) program in grades K–5 is mastery-based, which means students master concepts and lessons before moving on to the next lesson. Students will be required to submit assignments to their teachers for evaluation and feedback. Teachers assess mastery and provide quantitative feedback in the secondary grades. Quantitative grading begins in the 6th grade at AZVA.
What tests will my child be required to take?
We use testing just as any other school would: to monitor student achievement and highlight any areas of need. Several tests are mandatory for our students, including:
- NWEA: The NWEA district test is a computer-based benchmark assessment completed at home. The test is proctored three times during the school year and is used by teachers as a to assess individual and class-wide strengths, weaknesses, and growth.
- ACT: All students in Grade 11 will participate in this statewide High School Achievement Test. The test will be March 21-23, 2023 and will take one day to complete (approx. 6.5 hours). For more information and practice: https://www.azed.gov/assessment/high-school-assessments-act-and-act-aspire
- AASA/AzSCI: All students in grades 3-8 will participate in the ELA and Math state test. All students in grades 5, 8, and 11 will participate in the state Science test. The test will be April 3-14, 2023. Grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 will take three days to complete. Grades 5 and 8 will take four days to complete. Grade 11 will take one day to complete. Day 1: Writing/3rd grade Oral. Day 2: Reading. Day 3: Math. Day 4: Science. For more information and practice: https://www.azed.gov/assessment/aasa
- ACT Aspire: All students in Grade 9 will participate in this statewide High School Achievement Test. The test will be April 3-14, 2023. The test will take two days to complete. Students will be tested on ELA, Math, Reading, Writing and Science. For more information and practice: https://www.azed.gov/assessment/high-school-assessments-act-and-act-aspire
- AZELLA Spring 2023 Reassessment: This test is designated for students who have been identified as second language learners. The test will be January 30-March 17, 2023 and may be taken over multiple days. For more information and practice: https://www.azed.gov/assessment/azella
- MSAA: This test is designated to assess students with a significant cognitive disability and measures academic content that is aligned to and derived from AZ state’s content standards. Grades 3-8 and grade 11 will be tested in ELA and Math. Grades 5, 8, and 11 will be tested in Science. The test will be March 13-April 28, 2023. For more information and practice: https://www.azed.gov/assessment/msaa
Will my child have to participate in state testing?
Yes. AZVA students must comply with all state-mandated testing requirements. Students who do not participate are subject to withdrawal during that school year.